SNCL Division 2

Cập nhật ngày: 21.10.2024 23:41:51, Người tạo/Tải lên sau cùng: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

Giải/ Nội dungDivision 1, Division 2, Division 3
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Bốc thăm tất cả các vòng đấu

1. Ván
1  CSBOS 2  Inverclyde Phoenix:
2  Perth  Corstorphine:
3  Dumfries and District  Forth Valley B:
4  Edinburgh West 2  Hamilton A:
5  Edinburgh 2  Edinburgh 1:
2. Ván
1  Inverclyde Phoenix  Edinburgh 2:
2  Edinburgh 1  Edinburgh West 2:
3  Hamilton A  Dumfries and District:
4  Forth Valley B  Perth:
5  Corstorphine  CSBOS 2:
3. Ván
1  Forth Valley B  Inverclyde Phoenix:
2  Corstorphine  Hamilton A:
3  CSBOS 2  Edinburgh 1:
4  Perth  Edinburgh 2:
5  Dumfries and District  Edinburgh West 2:
4. Ván
1  Hamilton A  Forth Valley B:
2  Edinburgh 1  Corstorphine:
3  Edinburgh 2  CSBOS 2:
4  Edinburgh West 2  Perth:
5  Dumfries and District  Inverclyde Phoenix:
5. Ván
1  Corstorphine  Inverclyde Phoenix:
2  CSBOS 2  Forth Valley B:
3  Perth  Hamilton A:
4  Dumfries and District  Edinburgh 1:
5  Edinburgh West 2  Edinburgh 2:
6. Ván
1  Inverclyde Phoenix  Edinburgh West 2:
2  Edinburgh 2  Dumfries and District:
3  Edinburgh 1  Perth:
4  Hamilton A  CSBOS 2:
5  Forth Valley B  Corstorphine:
7. Ván
1  Inverclyde Phoenix  Edinburgh 1:
2  Hamilton A  Edinburgh 2:
3  Forth Valley B  Edinburgh West 2:
4  Corstorphine  Dumfries and District:
5  CSBOS 2  Perth:
8. Ván
1  Perth  Inverclyde Phoenix:
2  Dumfries and District  CSBOS 2:
3  Edinburgh West 2  Corstorphine:
4  Edinburgh 2  Forth Valley B:
5  Edinburgh 1  Hamilton A:
9. Ván
1  Inverclyde Phoenix  Hamilton A:
2  Forth Valley B  Edinburgh 1:
3  Corstorphine  Edinburgh 2:
4  CSBOS 2  Edinburgh West 2:
5  Perth  Dumfries and District: