SNCL Division 2

OrganitzadorGlynis Grant
FederacióEscòcia ( SCO )
Director del torneigGlynis Grant
Àrbitre principalIA Howie, Andrew 2403986
Deputy ArbiterFA McNicoll, John D 2403676; McKay, Ruairidh 2406500
ÀrbitreHowie, Karen 2408457; Wilson, Jennifer 2406837
Control de temps (Standard)90+30
Number of rounds9
Tournament typeLliga per equips
Rating calculationEloN, FIDE
Data2024/10/27 Al 2025/04/27
Mitjana d'Elo1616
Programa d'aparellamentSwiss-Manager de Heinz HerzogArxiu de Swiss-Manager

Darrera actualització24.11.2024 20:18:54, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

Selecció del torneigDivision 1, Division 2, Division 3
Selecciona paràmetres No se'n mostren els detalls del torneig, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
LlistesQuadre creuat per classificació (PM), Quadre creuat per classificació (Pts.), Classificació, Llista del rànquing inicial, Llista alfabètica de jugadors, Alphabetical list all groups, Taula d'horaris, Estadístiques de la Federació, partides i títols
Ordre de força dels equips amb resultats ronda a ronda, Composició dels equips sense resultats , Aparellaments de totes les rondes
Aparellaments per taulersRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4
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Llista alfabètica de jugadors

1Bell, Daniel J24143501422SCODumfries and District6
2Bell, Jonathan24126081510SCODumfries and District3
3Bennett, William24008802039SCOEdinburgh 12
4Bhopal, Raj24044431919SCOEdinburgh 16
5Blackford, Ross24090111950SCOEdinburgh 13
6Bolln, Carsten162100421721SCOInverclyde Phoenix2
7Brown, Gerry24038701441SCOCSBOS 28
8Campbell, Alistair W I24016061599SCOEdinburgh West 27
9Del Mar, Tristan I24102571743SCOEdinburgh West 21
10Doherty, Stephen24146941621SCOInverclyde Phoenix3
11Donohue, Tom24019591920SCOHamilton A4
12Dowling, Richard K24088481362SCOCorstorphine4
13Ferrie, Louis C1215SCOCSBOS 211
14Fisher, Alex24147081282SCOInverclyde Phoenix5
15Forbes, Alistair24060631581SCOCSBOS 23
16Gourlay, Martin B24065191855SCOPerth6
17Graham, James24109581607SCOPerth3
18Gray, William B24149881519SCOForth Valley B5
19Green, Michael L24027341943SCODumfries and District1
20Grzywaczewski, Karol218022031678POLForth Valley B6
21Gyalus, Mark170136231730HUNEdinburgh 14
22Gyalus, Mark170136231730HUNEdinburgh 26
23Haddow, Findlay24123301612SCOEdinburgh 25
24Hall, David G24023941608SCOPerth7
25Heatlie, Douglas S24039601481SCOCSBOS 27
26Higgins, Scott24151431220SCOCSBOS 25
27Irving, Neil24022381726SCOForth Valley B1
28Jackson, Ralph24039941552SCOCSBOS 24
29Kane, Robert4204681796ENGEdinburgh 17
30Keenan, Alex24095181722SCOHamilton A6
31Lakudkar, Shubham50446182125INDPerth1
32Lester, Douglas24151510SCOCSBOS 210
33Loch, Nathanael24143761512SCOForth Valley B4
34Logue, David24064111613SCOInverclyde Phoenix4
35Macnaughton, Alistair K J4610591654ENGCorstorphine2
36Marchbank, Stuart24034471574SCODumfries and District2
37Marriott-Dodington, Rick24147751269SCODumfries and District4
38Marusic, Berislav24117171714SCOEdinburgh 21
39Mccormack, Derek24063061866SCOHamilton A5
40Mccusker, Andrew24042811967SCOHamilton A1
41Mcdiarmid, Euan24107451659SCOCSBOS 21
42Mcdonald, Alex24097551026SCODumfries and District5
43Mcdonald, Kevin24071912040SCOInverclyde Phoenix1
44Mcgillivray, Calum24054071718SCOEdinburgh 15
45Montgomery, David C24123221558SCOEdinburgh 24
46Moyo, Martin1581043161695ZWEForth Valley B2
47Palaniswamy, Raja S50207781976INDEdinburgh West 24
48Parasur, Raghuram24104601777SCOEdinburgh West 26
49Paterson, Krishan24150381447SCOCSBOS 29
50Prabhu, Aadith24104001685SCOEdinburgh West 25
51Roberts, Martin P24080581568SCOPerth4
52Robinson, Martin E24029711708SCOEdinburgh West 22
53Ruthven, Angus G24143841212SCOCorstorphine5
54Scott, Richard24041921657SCOCSBOS 22
55Semenov, Igor24113261674SCOHamilton A2
56Shemilt, James F24062841759SCOForth Valley B7
57Sim, Robert C24091001228SCODumfries and District7
58Smith, Andy24069001265SCOInverclyde Phoenix7
59Smith, Eric P24087081590SCOCSBOS 26
60Smith, Stephen H24026701599SCOForth Valley B3
61Sokolenko, Pavlo341400261557UKREdinburgh 23
62Sutherland, Andrew24085031761SCOPerth2
63Sykes, Chris24016491739SCOCorstorphine1
64FMThomson, Craig S M24000812134SCOEdinburgh 11
65Vadalia, Jainill24093991899SCOHamilton A3
66Warcup, Richard24085891555SCOForth Valley B8
67Warcup, Ross2408597744SCOForth Valley B6
68Watkins, John24033231668SCOEdinburgh West 23
69Watson, David24060801165SCOCorstorphine6
70Watson-Mcfie, Joseph24088721588SCOInverclyde Phoenix6
71Whittaker, Ian P24086431611SCOEdinburgh 22
72Williamson, John24065271397SCOPerth5
73Wilson, Graham24088051491SCOCorstorphine3