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NSK BLIC 21.10.2024.

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony21.10.2024 22:28:51, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

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1FMDimitrijevic, Nenad923559SRB2212
2Mitic, Milan945560SRB2133
3FMMedar, Zeljko913766SRB2126
4Torbica, Milos935964SRB2023
5Kostic, Stefan914258SRB1984
6Tadic, Aleksandar957925SRB1976
7Mandic, Milenko934291SRB1954
8Lalic, Nikola979821SRB1899
9Pantic, Miroslav918342SRB1866
10Kostadinovski, Slobodan922021SRB1723
11Tot, Ivan982504SRB1710
12Medan, Vladislav978159SRB1653
13Lipai, Vjaceslav993956SRB1649
14Pjetlovic, Petar912204SRB1634
15Mutic, Djordje9226154SRB1589
16Popadic, Bane9242168SRB1559
17Krupetskov, Alexey34185841RUS0
18Nenadov, BoskoSRB0