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RAPIDO NOVIEMBRE 2024 Վերջին արդիացում23.11.2024 22:15:04, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | RtgI | ԱԱՎ |
1 | | Kulik, Nicolas | 3009530 | URU | 2133 | 2108 |
2 | FM | Bauza, Alejandro | 3000060 | URU | 2103 | 2281 |
3 | | Vaz Lacuesta, Leonardo | 3001776 | URU | 2071 | 2203 |
4 | CM | Bustelo, Tabare | 3000362 | URU | 2037 | 2147 |
5 | | Durante, Aurelio | 3001270 | URU | 1985 | 2069 |
6 | | Rivas Puch, Juan | 3013278 | URU | 1892 | 1730 |
7 | | Cayetano, Juan | 3010228 | URU | 1885 | 1967 |
8 | | Barros, Brian | 3018938 | URU | 1867 | 1547 |
9 | | Toledo, Javier | 3007502 | URU | 1833 | 1889 |
10 | | Ramos, Matias | 3009920 | URU | 1828 | 1782 |
11 | | Casasnovas, Thiago | 3019284 | URU | 1827 | 1684 |
12 | | Ibarburu, Nahuel | 3013987 | URU | 1824 | 1886 |
13 | | Valiente, Damian | 3021610 | URU | 1750 | 1636 |
14 | | Gomez Melcon, Dario | 3018059 | URU | 1707 | 1626 |
15 | | Toker, Jorge | 3021211 | URU | 1698 | 0 |
16 | | Rey, Antonio | 3008916 | URU | 1684 | 1608 |
17 | | Piriz, Facundo | 3019608 | URU | 1652 | 1533 |
18 | | Kaciusis, Daniel | 3009114 | URU | 1625 | 1563 |
19 | | Dovat, Nicolas | 3013952 | URU | 1601 | 1423 |
20 | | Sahagian, Lucas | 3014380 | URU | 1501 | 0 |
21 | | Marquisio, Leonardo | 3017435 | URU | 1451 | 0 |
22 | | Achucarro, Altair | 3028860 | URU | 0 | 0 |
23 | | Camarero, Juan | 3033023 | URU | 0 | 0 |
24 | | Cardona, Bethel | 3030458 | URU | 0 | 0 |
25 | | De Paula, Ithan | 3029751 | URU | 0 | 0 |
26 | | Pereira Barrios, Carlos | 3023028 | URU | 0 | 0 |