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EXCLUSIVO SOCIOS, SABADO 9 DE NOVIEMBRE INSCRIPCIONES ABIERTASRAPIDO SOCIOS 2024 Վերջին արդիացում09.11.2024 18:00:25, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | RtgI | ԱԱՎ |
1 | | Vaz Lacuesta, Leonardo | 3001776 | URU | 2071 | 2203 |
2 | NM | Braso, Jorge | 3000397 | URU | 1983 | 2140 |
3 | | Muniz, Gonzalo | 3001768 | URU | 1964 | 2160 |
4 | | Montoli, Sebastian | 3007120 | URU | 1917 | 1960 |
5 | | Casas, Nicolas | 3002055 | URU | 1887 | 1908 |
6 | | Romero, Juan | 3012336 | URU | 1855 | 1950 |
7 | | Gasco, Maximiliano | 3016382 | URU | 1749 | 1628 |
8 | | Diaz Delograsi, Francisco | 3016692 | URU | 1722 | 1632 |
9 | | Ruiz, Alain | 3010660 | URU | 1710 | 0 |
10 | | Gomez Melcon, Dario | 3018059 | URU | 1707 | 1626 |
11 | | Rey, Antonio | 3008916 | URU | 1684 | 1608 |
12 | | Rocca, Jose | 3008142 | URU | 1657 | 1524 |
13 | | Kaciusis, Daniel | 3009114 | URU | 1625 | 1563 |
14 | | Mott, Juan | 3014193 | URU | 1588 | 1431 |
15 | | Silva Vanoli, Elias | 3014681 | URU | 1524 | 0 |
16 | | Braun, Enzo | 3032655 | URU | 0 | 0 |