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Thrissur District Chess in school Championship 2024 U 10 Boys Zone 2 Kodungallore Zone

Last update 26.10.2024 11:48:41, Creator/Last Upload: petermaliakal

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Starting rank

2Adhi Krishna M. S,IND0
3Adwaith krishna.P.A,IND0
4Alfred Frank Frajilesh,IND0
5Amit Abraham,IND0
6Anay Krishna .k. S,IND0
7Arnav m a,IND0
8Beon Rosh,IND0
9Chinmayi Sudheer,IND0
10Darsh Nithin,IND0
11Devarsh. M. G,IND0
13Dheeraj Binoy,IND0
14Haniel. Jinraj,IND0
15Johaan. Sabu,IND0
16Lal Krishna N. U,IND0
17Milan Paulson,IND0
18Nihaar k hajeesh,IND0
19Nihal N. S,IND0
20Salomin Jaise,IND0
21Sayooj Lavan,IND0
22sreyak sreekumar,IND0
24V S Sreeyamsh,IND0
25Vishnudevan C S,IND0