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Midstream Rapid 10/10 Posledná aktualizácia 21.10.2024 19:01:46, Creator/Last Upload: Gerhard Jacobs
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | Jacobs, Calvin Nicholas | | RSA | 1964 |
2 | | Conradie, Dirk | | RSA | 1759 |
3 | | Conradie, Ingrid | | RSA | 1569 |
4 | | Naude, Johan | | RSA | 1509 |
5 | | Anthonissen, Mikhael | | RSA | 1504 |
6 | | Smit, Juanru | | RSA | 1499 |
7 | | Jacobs, Gerhard | | RSA | 1465 |
8 | | Muller, Arend | | RSA | 1347 |
9 | | Cherian, Daniel | | RSA | 1308 |
10 | | Oosthuizen, Chris | | RSA | 1298 |
11 | | Pretorius, Frik | | RSA | 1261 |
12 | | Oosthuizen, Jaco | | RSA | 1252 |
13 | | Bosch, Benjamin | | RSA | 1230 |
14 | | Diblasi, Mike | | RSA | 1196 |
15 | | Ramonyai, Maribe | | RSA | 1195 |
16 | | Wintle, Jayden | | RSA | 1192 |
17 | | Makhubedu, Oagile | | RSA | 1191 |
18 | | Oosthuizen, Gerhard | | RSA | 1190 |
19 | | Oosthuizen, Christiaan | | RSA | 1186 |
20 | | Potgieter, Paul | | RSA | 1172 |
21 | | Makhubedu, Oatile | | RSA | 1133 |
22 | | anthonissen, Liliya | | RSA | 0 |
23 | | Wilson, Jami | | RSA | 1115 |
24 | | Fine, Jad | | RSA | 1122 |
25 | | Shamuyarira, eli | | RSA | 0 |
26 | | Xiu, Baichuan | | RSA | 1198 |
27 | | Sikhuza, Mmuši | | RSA | 1182 |
28 | | Kruger, Ruan | | RSA | 0 |
29 | | Jacobs, Alyssa | | RSA | 1340 |