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Midstream Rapid 10/10

Last update 21.10.2024 19:01:46, Creator/Last Upload: Gerhard Jacobs

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Starting rank

1Jacobs, Calvin NicholasRSA1964
2Conradie, DirkRSA1759
3Conradie, IngridRSA1569
4Naude, JohanRSA1509
5Anthonissen, MikhaelRSA1504
6Smit, JuanruRSA1499
7Jacobs, GerhardRSA1465
8Muller, ArendRSA1347
9Cherian, DanielRSA1308
10Oosthuizen, ChrisRSA1298
11Pretorius, FrikRSA1261
12Oosthuizen, JacoRSA1252
13Bosch, BenjaminRSA1230
14Diblasi, MikeRSA1196
15Ramonyai, MaribeRSA1195
16Wintle, JaydenRSA1192
17Makhubedu, OagileRSA1191
18Oosthuizen, GerhardRSA1190
19Oosthuizen, ChristiaanRSA1186
20Potgieter, PaulRSA1172
21Makhubedu, OatileRSA1133
22anthonissen, LiliyaRSA0
23Wilson, JamiRSA1115
24Fine, JadRSA1122
25Shamuyarira, eliRSA0
26Xiu, BaichuanRSA1198
27Sikhuza, MmušiRSA1182
28Kruger, RuanRSA0
29Jacobs, AlyssaRSA1340