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OÖ Jugendlandesmeisterschaft im Schnellschach 2024 Gruppe U16 Վերջին արդիացում26.10.2024 17:51:24, Creator/Last Upload: Landesverband Oberösterreich Eloreferat
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Wimmer, Michael | 1664913 | AUT | 2038 |
2 | | Standhartinger, Joachim | 1665839 | AUT | 2011 |
3 | | Geiblinger, Lorenz | 1674765 | AUT | 1892 |
4 | | Schwarz, Felix | 1666495 | AUT | 1790 |
5 | | Pumberger, Niklas | 1679651 | AUT | 1732 |
6 | | Hahn, Stefan | 1697404 | AUT | 1700 |
7 | | Stadlbauer, Maximilian | 1666517 | AUT | 1700 |
8 | | Mayer, Clemens | 1689428 | AUT | 1631 |
9 | | Doersieb, Bianca | 1670492 | AUT | 1548 |
10 | | Walch, Julian | 1697021 | AUT | 1527 |
11 | | Daxner, Michael | 1699253 | AUT | 1458 |
12 | | Elgit, Ahmed | 1698257 | AUT | 1450 |
13 | | Hamdard, Jay Milan | | GER | 1355 |
14 | | Klopf, Richard | 1652770 | AUT | 1353 |
15 | | Jarolim, Mara | | AUT | 1317 |
16 | | Hahn, Simon | | AUT | 0 |
17 | | Ortner, Arthur | 530004470 | AUT | 0 |