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Last update 22.10.2024 03:56:10, Creator/Last Upload: FADA – Comision Tecnica Argentina

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Starting rank

1Castro Michel W.,ARG0
2Chavez Juan Cruz,ARG0
3Correa Maximo,ARG0
4Flores Axel Yuthiel,ARG0
5Funes Olivera Austin,ARG0
6Guardia Jorge Ivan,ARG0
7Gutierrez Lourdes,ARG0
8Loza Brenda Ros.,ARG0
9Lucero Alan,ARG0
10Mejibar Riveros Misael,ARG0
11Miranda Lautaro,ARG0
12Morales Leandro J.,ARG0
13Mereles Santiago J.,ARG0
14Olivera Luciano I.,ARG0
15Ovieddo Ariadna,ARG0
16Ramirez Gabriela Judith,ARG0
17Ramirez Juan Pablo,ARG0
18Ramirez Nicolas Gab.,ARG0
19Ruiz Julian Nestor,ARG0
20Saavedra Sheila A.,ARG0
21Sarmiento Laurtaro N.,ARG0