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ukáž detaily turnaja
Cupa CSU ONLINE, editia 46, 26 octombrie 2024, U12 U14 Posledná aktualizácia 23.10.2024 16:52:55, Creator/Last Upload: Andrada
Štartová listina
č. | Meno | FED | Elo | pohlavie | Typ |
1 | Bal, Natalia-Elena | ROU | 1420 | w | |
2 | Brinzan, Maria-Catalina | ROU | 901 | w | |
3 | Cojoc, Bogdan-Ionut | ROU | 901 | | |
4 | Cerveanu, Maria | ROU | 0 | | |
5 | Doncu Petcu, Adriana Aylin | ROU | 1470 | w | |