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PUC Chess - Mandya District Selection 2024 - GIRLS Sri Shambhulingeshwara Education Trust (R), Pandavapura

Darrera actualització21.10.2024 11:38:22, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Raghavendra M V

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Rànquing inicial

1Yashaswi, S Kiran45064695IND1542Sri Chaithanya Pu College
2Aishwarya, SrinivasIND0Mandavya Excellence, Mandya
3Bhoomika, A VIND0Mandavya Excellence, Mandya
4Deeksha, PIND0Aradhana P U College
5Deekshitha, K TIND0Bharathi Composit P U College
6Divija K,IND0Anikethana PU College
7Impana, CIND0Sadvidya Pu College
8Impana, R GowdaIND0Aradhana P U College
9Jayashree, CIND0Sadvidya Pu College
10Komala, AIND0Aradhana P U College
11Manisha, B RIND0Mandavya Excellence, Mandya
12Niharika, G SIND0Rotary Composite P U College
13Poojashree, B CIND0S T G Pu College
14Punyashree, S PIND0S T G Pu College
15R, TejaswiniIND0Santhome P U College
16Rashmi,IND0Aradhana P U College
17Saankyaraj,IND0Aradhana P U College
18Sanika, YIND0Sadvidya Pu College
19Saritha, GodduIND0S T G Pu College
20Thanmay, S LIND0Mandavya Excellence, Mandya
21Varshitha, RIND0Mandavya Excellence, Mandya
22Vismaya, SIND0Murarji Desai Residencial Coll
23Yashika, M SIND0S T G Pu College
24Yashruthagowda, Y BIND0Bharathi Composit P U College