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Kazakhstan Women Championship 2024 Rapid

Senast uppdaterad26.10.2024 14:42:01, Creator/Last Upload: Kazakhstan Chess Federation (License 10)

Lista över spelare

1WGMBalabayeva, Xeniya13719688KAZ2253
8WIMSerikbay, Assel13706799KAZ2130
7WIMSultanbek, Zeinep13710419KAZ1987
9WCMKim, Kristina13712438KAZ1935
3WFMKaldarova, Ayaulym13720503KAZ1890
2WCMBerikkyzy, Alanna13780719KAZ1833
6WCMAlemanova, Yasmina13727206KAZ1819
5WFMPopandopulo, Kristina13738631KAZ1804
10Dayanova, Regina13708805KAZ1768
4Momyn, Madina13748866KAZ1688