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Intercolegiados Cundinamarca Juvenil Femenino

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony24.10.2024 01:26:09, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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1Alvarado Quintero, Laura Natalia4482514CUN1703wU18Sesquile
2Diaz Bobadilla, Laura Juliana4488415CUN1671wU16Fomeque
3Riano Espinoza, Laura Sofia4488342CUN1583wU18Soacha
4Cotrino Torres, Lineth Sofia144409338CUN1538wU16Choachi
5Castiblanco Bautista, Dana Gabriela144405588CUN1526wU16Guatavita
6Raigoso Gonzalez, Sharick Lorena4488458CUN1511wU18Fomeque
7Vela Garcia, Laura Gabriela144402953CUN1400wU16Villapinzon
8Acosta Villoria, Allison TatianaCUN0wU16Facatativa
9Alvarado Novoa, Candy LorenaCUN0wU16Madrid
10Bourdon Rodriguez, Alison DayanaCUN0wU16Madrid
11Casallas Sogamoso, Jessica TatianaCUN0wU16El Rosal
12Fonseca Rodriguez, Paula DanielaCUN0wU16Cogua
13Guerrero Rodriguez, CamilaCUN0wU16Soacha
14Lancheros Martinez, Maria SalomeCUN0wU16Sopo
15Lucero Soto, Luisa MariaCUN0wU16Caqueza
16Mendez Rubio, Angie SofiaCUN0wU18El Rosal
17Mocanda Rincon, Sofi VanlentinaCUN0wU16Tenjo
18Moncada Rincon, Luz AngelaCUN0wU18Tenjo
19Moreno Benavides, Maria AlejandraCUN0wU16Sopo
20Moreno Ome, YulianaCUN0wU16Cajica
21Reyes Aguiar, EstephanyCUN0wU16Sesquile
22Reyes Casallas, SofiaCUN0wU16Tocancipa
23Rodriguez Sanchez, Melanie SofiaCUN0wU16Facatativa
24Rodriguez Vergara, Angela GabrielaCUN0wU16El Colegio