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Ajedrecistas de los 87 municipios de Santander
Nacidos (2007, 2008, 2009)

Juegos Intercolegiados de Ajedrez SANTANDER 2024 Categoria Juvenil Masculina

Senast uppdaterad23.10.2024 17:52:24, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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1Becker Newmark, Jeronimo144407009SAN1848BUCARAMANGA
2Moreno Hernandez, Andres Mauricio4488539SAN1806BUCARAMANGA
3Pilonieta Forero, Andres Felipe144400233SAN1798FLORIDABLANCA
4Correa Quintero, Juan Sebastian144412541SAN1723FLORIDABLANCA
5Reyes Sanabria, Cesar Gabriel144407610SAN1711BUCARAMANGA
6Rojas Montaguth, Juan Angel144431724SAN1691BUCARAMANGA
7Villamizar Guevara, Juan CamiloSAN1600BUCARAMANGA
8Guerrero Moreno, Santiago Andres144430353SAN1499FLORIDABLANCA
9Serrano Hoyos, Emilio144425287SAN1499FLORIDABLANCA
10Maldonado Garcia, Marcos Felipe144407599SAN1463GIRON
11Alana Sotillo, Aaron JoseSAN0LEBRIJA
13Ardila Sanchez, Holman YesithSAN0SUCRE
14Arenas Pineda, SebastianSAN0BARRANCABERMEJA
15Ariza Gonzalez, Fabian RicardoSAN0VELEZ
16Correa Diaz, Enoc MauricioSAN0SAN VICENTE
17Davila Ortiz, Carlos FelipeSAN0GIRON
18Duarte Duran, Luis CarlosSAN0SIMACOTA
19Gamboa Gomez, George StivenSAN0PIEDECUESTA
20Garcia Naranjo, Keiver StivenSAN0PIEDECUESTA
21Gonzalez Franco, Brian FelipeSAN0CIIMITARRA
22Jerez Gil, Adrian CamiloSAN0EL PEÑON
23Martinez Baron, Manuel SantiagoSAN0LEBRIJA
24Martinez Contreras, Juan SebastianSAN0PIEDECUESTA
25Mejia Moya, Victor ManuelSAN0SABANA DE TORRES
26Moncada Vega, Dylan JulianSAN0PIEDECUESTA
27Mora Garnica, Esneider YesidSAN0SAN JOAQUIN
28Morales Martinez, Daniel AlejandroSAN0SAN GIL
29Moreno Quiroga, Juan EstebanSAN0PIEDECUESTA
30Oviedo Trujillo, David SantiagoSAN0FLORIDABLANCA
31Ramirez Rojas, Michael JoelSAN0GIRON
32Ramos Campos, William AlexanderSAN0MALAGA
33Rojas Blanco, Nelson EnriqueSAN0MATANZA
34Rojas Gonzalez, Sebastian AlfonsoSAN0CARMEN DE CHUCURI
35Sanchez Herreno, JoseSAN0GUAVATA
36Sanchez Molina, Dinkol JairSAN0VELEZ