maximal 160 Teilnehmer - derzeit 74 gemeldet 04 GRG3 Hagenmüllergasse 10 Wiedner Gymnasium 10 BG9 Wasagasse 10 Clara Fey Campus - ahs 10 AHS Heustadelgasse 10 BG/BRG/BORG Polgarstraße 10 NLS Laaerberg 10 PG Sacre CoeurWiener Schachschülerliga 2024/2025 - Sekundarstufe I (Unterstufe) Vorrunde 1
Zadnja izmjena20.10.2024 22:30:51, Creator/Last Upload: Polgarspringer
Odabir turnira | Vorrunde 1, Vorrunde 2, Hoffnungsrunde, Finale |
Odabir parametara | bez podataka o turniru, Link tournament to the tournament calendar |
Liste | Lista po nositeljstvu, Abecedni popis igrača, Podaci o Savezima, Partijama i Titulama, Alphabetical list all groups, Satnica |
Najbolji igrači | Prema bodovima, Prema postotku |
Pretvori u Excel i Printaj | Pretvoti u Excel (.xlsx), Pretvori u PDF-File, AUT rating-calculation, QR-Codes |
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