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Ernakulam Dist. Inter Sch. Individual Chess Championship 2024 CiS Selection for State Championship U -6 Girls

Darrera actualització26.10.2024 08:24:02, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Chess Association Kerala

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Rànquing inicial

1Anvitha, RanjithIND0U06Varuna Thrikkakara
2Ashmika Ms,IND0U05Rajagiri Kindergarten
3Evania, Sosa MathewIND0U06Naipunya Thrikkakara
4Heiza, Asiya.M.HIND0U06Naipunya Thrikkakara
5Mukti Maharaja,IND0Amrita Vidyalayam
6Rachel, Mariam TharakanIND0U06B V M Elammakkara