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Ernakulam Dist. Inter Sch. Individual Chess Championship 2024 CiS Selection for State Championship U -12 Girls

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony26.10.2024 09:02:04, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Association Kerala

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1Anagha, GIND0U12Svnps
2Aneya, Maria SijuIND0U12Chavara Darsan Koonammavu
3Ardhra, SolomanIND0U12St.Peter's Kadayirippu
4Ayisha, NishadIND0U12Naipunya Thrikkakara
5Grace Tojo,IND0U12Naipunya Thrikkakara
6Mayukha, S Menon33496803IND0U12Rajashree S M M Aluva
7Pelvia Rafaella,IND0Chavara Darsan Koonammavu
8S.Vinaya,IND0U12St.Ann's Public School
9Sahla, NazrinIND0U12St Marys Aluva
10Thanshika, SaravananIND0U12Adarsha Kakkanad
11Varshini, ArunIND0U12Choice Thrippunithura