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Torneo de Ajedrez Revolucionario

Last update 20.10.2024 20:05:31, Creator/Last Upload: David Encinas Varela

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1CMArreguin Hernandez, Alan Guillermo5108349MEX2145
2Vallejo Loya, Martin Guillermo5173760MEX1945Chihuahua
3NMAlvidrez Aguirre, Genaro5108772MEX1909Chihuahua
4NEHerrera Mendez, Oscar Ivan5142660MEX1869
5Nunez Osete, Omar Alejandro29624584MEX1676Chihuahua
6Garcia, Silva Christian Edu5198216MEX1626
7Mendoza Leon, Julio Rafael5183090MEX1574Chihuahua
8Alvidrez, Hernandez SuryMEX1534Chihuahua
9Reyes, Gallardo Leon Ignacio5136270MEX1442Chihuahua
10Barrera, UrielMEX0
11Caballero, WalterMEX0
12Herrera Ortiz, EdithMEX0
13Martinez Perez, LeonardoMEX0