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Torneio Interno Hebraica Absoluto 2024

Last update 20.10.2024 17:52:54, Creator/Last Upload: xequematebrasil

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Starting rank

1Davy Maurice D'IsraelBRA2133S65
2Marcio Abraham44720769BRA1758S55
3Armando Palatnic44705107BRA1748S65
4Helio Arthur Bacha44720726BRA1711S65
5Mendel Grabarz44720777BRA1627S65
6Rafael Michelsohn44720807BRA1590
7Sergio Rachman44729561BRA1453
8Albert Elie Nessim44720653BRA0S65
9Beni VaisbihBRA0
10Eric PressBRA0
11Fabio GanslBRA0
12Fernando SalmBRA0
13Jacques KannBRA0S65
14Kenneth Aron WainerBRA0
15Leandro AbreuBRA0
16Luiz Antônio Azevedo CaselliBRA0
17Luiz Guilherme Barreiros Bueno SilvaBRA0
18Mauricio Altikes HazzanBRA0
19Mauricio BernsteinBRA0
20Rafael Adler ProkeschBRA0
21Renato WeissBRA0
22Ricardo HelmanBRA0