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Westhood internal tournament open

Last update 20.10.2024 16:24:44, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Alexander, WilliamsKEN0
2Asher, MbuguaKEN0
3Benson Mutiku,KEN0
4Darryl Thayu,KEN0
5Denzel, OjanyKEN0
6Freddrick, MwangiKEN0
7Hezron, OmondiKEN0
8Jeremy, NaloKEN0
9Kigen Jermaine,KEN0
10Lenny, WafulaKEN0
11Leo, NgilaKEN0
12Lionel, WambuaKEN0
13Luvuno, BarakaKEN0
14major, KimaniKEN0
15Mubarak, AliKEN0
16Newton Matthew, JeremyKEN0
17Peter, KinyanjuiKEN0
18Tayler, MwangiKEN0
19Tony, SembeiKEN0
20Warren, MuchombaKEN0