A sakkozók 50% kedvezménnyel látogathatják a verseny ideje alatt a gyulai Várfürdőt. During the tournament, chess players can visit the Várfürdő in Gyula with a 50% discount.4th Csomos Janos Memorial A group 2025.05.21-25 Gyula Seinast dagført20.01.2025 19:54:01, Creator/Last Upload: Somogyi Gabor
Kappingarnevnd | group A, group B |
Parameter-val | Vís kappingar-upplýsingar, eingi fløgg
, Link tournament to the tournament calendar |
Yvirlit yvir lið | HUN, ROU |
Listar | Byrjanarlisti, Telvarar í bókstavarað, Landa-, Talv- og Tittul-hagtøl, Alphabetical list all groups, Spæliskipan |
Download Files | 2025. versenykiírás.pdf, english version 2025.pdf |
Excel og Printa | Eksportera til Excel (.xlsx), Eksport til PDF-Fílu, QR-Codes |
Umfar | Dagur | Tíð |
1 | 2025/05/21 | 14.00 |
2 | 2025/05/22 | 09.00 |
3 | 2025/05/22 | 15.00 |
4 | 2025/05/23 | 09.00 |
5 | 2025/05/24 | 09.00 |
6 | 2025/05/24 | 15.00 |
7 | 2025/05/25 | 09.00 |