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Karpovians 16th Junior Chess Tournament (Under 10)

Posledná aktualizácia 30.10.2024 14:14:58, Creator/Last Upload: Karpov Chess Club - Karachi

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Štartová listina

1Azlan Talha Ansari,7831161PAK0
2Cienna Fahd Chinoy,7829906PAK0
3Hafsa Mustafa Paracha,7835620PAK0
4Hissan Ghani Khan,7837402PAK0
5Mahrez Fayyaz,7837100PAK0
6Moosa Aqeel,7837119PAK0
7Muhammad Rohaan Uzair,7834330PAK0
8Rayaan Saqib,7836988PAK0
9Syed Saifullah Haider Zaidi,7837348PAK0
10Feras Fehem Hashmi,7836147PAK0
11Sophie Raza Agha,7837356PAK0
12Syed Mahd Hussain,7837364PAK0
13Zayaan Muhammad Hussain,7835973PAK0