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Unisus The Street FIDE Rated October 2024 - OPEN

Senast uppdaterad28.10.2024 03:04:43, Creator/Last Upload: by IA Panupand Vijjuprabha

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1Suppt-hongs, Paisal6200370THA1894
2Jevgenijus, Soikinas12843520LTU1702
3Mario Campos Rodrigues, Mello2139979BRA1629
4N, Vasanthakumar46617167IND1572
5Traisattaya, Sakolwat6218695THA1540
6Suwansoranee, Diswarin6224555THA0
7Chuang, Jie-En16305744TPE0
8Chaisaharuek, Jiraphat6219110THA0
9Pamornrattapong, Nutnicha6221521THA0
10Phewthong, Woraruthai6224547THA0