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2nd National Rapid Chess Championship 2024 Posledná aktualizácia 23.10.2024 08:13:46, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | FM | Jaiswal, Rupesh | 12300870 | NEP | 2130 |
2 | | Silwal, Purushottam | 12332313 | NEP | 2100 |
3 | | Maharjan, Suroj | 12329100 | NEP | 2044 |
4 | | Phuyal, Aashish | 12312649 | NEP | 2043 |
5 | | Nepal, Prakash Chandra | 12300993 | NEP | 2019 |
6 | FM | Bhandari, Kshitiz | 12310654 | NEP | 2008 |
7 | | Subedi, Rajan | 12301167 | NEP | 1984 |
8 | | Pathak, Tekendra Raj | 5010497 | NEP | 1965 |
9 | | Rai, Dhiren | 12334162 | NEP | 1960 |
10 | CM | Dahal, Sushrut | 12303275 | NEP | 1956 |
11 | CM | Thapa, Krishna | 12300217 | NEP | 1956 |
12 | | Kafle, Sujan | 12350389 | NEP | 1935 |
13 | CM | Tandukar, Nabin | 5021189 | NEP | 1932 |
14 | | Joshi, Deergha Raj | 12300527 | NEP | 1900 |
15 | | Rawal, Basant | 12300420 | NEP | 1878 |
16 | | B.K, Tirth Bahadur | 12301337 | NEP | 1873 |
17 | | Pandey, Bheem Datt | 12300101 | NEP | 1872 |
18 | | Jora, Kirta Bahadur | 12300888 | NEP | 1836 |
19 | | Khaniya, Rudra | 12303666 | NEP | 1833 |
20 | | Dahal, Tikadatta | 12300802 | NEP | 1819 |
21 | | Chongwang, Harkha B | 12347396 | NEP | 1818 |
22 | | Budha, Shakti Ram | 12301353 | NEP | 1797 |
23 | | Tuladhar, Jagat Lal | 12301191 | NEP | 1776 |
24 | | Ojha, Prakash | 12328146 | NEP | 1762 |
25 | | Karki, Jay Bahadur | 12303631 | NEP | 1726 |
26 | | Pradhan, Mohan Singh | 12301957 | NEP | 1724 |
27 | | Rana, Phulchan | 12317250 | NEP | 1710 |
28 | | Tamang, Kabiram | 12309907 | NEP | 1708 |
29 | | Pandey, Madan Kumar | 12327573 | NEP | 1700 |
30 | | Joshi, Janak Raj | 12340987 | NEP | 1695 |
31 | | Poudel, Shiv Prasad | 12309931 | NEP | 1694 |
32 | | Tamang, Suraj | 12331783 | NEP | 1694 |
33 | | Bhandari, Pooja | 12312967 | NEP | 1672 |
34 | | Joshi, Sindira | 12312754 | NEP | 1660 |
35 | | Pokhrel, Sangam | 12330876 | NEP | 1646 |
36 | | Giri, Bishnu | 12330710 | NEP | 1620 |
37 | | Pun, Khim Bahadur | 12330884 | NEP | 1610 |
38 | | Oli, Madan | 12327581 | NEP | 1593 |
39 | | Giri, Isha | 12345466 | NEP | 1588 |
40 | | Somai, Prem Bahadur | 12312045 | NEP | 1553 |
41 | | Pant, Hardik | 12341150 | NEP | 1428 |
42 | | Adhikari, Utkarsh | 12360015 | NEP | 0 |
43 | | Awasthi, Pawan | 12360023 | NEP | 0 |
44 | | Bhatt, Aashish | | NEP | 0 |
45 | | Bhatt, Ishika | 12360040 | NEP | 0 |
46 | | Bhatt, Pramanand | | NEP | 0 |
47 | | Bhatta, Rachit | 12356816 | NEP | 0 |
48 | | Bhatta, Rishabh | | NEP | 0 |
49 | | Bhatta, Suraj | | NEP | 0 |
50 | | Bista, Zenitsh | | NEP | 0 |
51 | | Chand, Dhiraj Bahadur | 12356824 | NEP | 0 |
52 | | Joshi, Gaurab | 12356867 | NEP | 0 |
53 | | Joshi, Hem Raj | | NEP | 0 |
54 | | Joshi, Samyak | 12360066 | NEP | 0 |
55 | | Joshi, Shubham | 12356913 | NEP | 0 |
56 | | Mahara, Ayush Kumar | 12356972 | NEP | 0 |
57 | | Mal, Rajendra | | NEP | 0 |
58 | | Mal, Rakesh | | NEP | 0 |
59 | | Nayak, Aditya | | NEP | 0 |
60 | | Pandeya, Arjun | | NEP | 0 |
61 | | Pant, Sarthak | | NEP | 0 |
62 | | Shrestha, Mathura | 12331767 | NEP | 0 |
63 | | Thagunna, Barun | | NEP | 0 |
64 | | Tapari, Vishnu | | NEP | 0 |