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Turnamen Catur Ketua Koni Cup Tingkat Kelurahan Se - Kota Tomohon Seri A

Last update 20.10.2024 14:32:03, Creator/Last Upload: FIDE-TEST VERSION 3

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Starting rank

1Alfi Turambi,AUT0
2Boy Mawikere,AUT0
3Christian Kaparang,AUT0
4Evero Lumempow,AUT0
5Hence Polii,AUT0
6Jems Mewengkang,AUT0
7Jens Tumurang,AUT0
9Jhon Paransi,AUT0
10Jody Winda,AUT0
11Jusmon Puide,AUT0
12Jutje Kapoh,AUT0
13Moris Polii,AUT0
14Renal Ngantung,AUT0
15Roly Warongan,AUT0
16Rully Rapar,AUT0
17Stevie Santi,AUT0
18Terry Lumentut,AUT0
19Totem Kasiha,AUT0
20Verry Tileng,AUT0
21Yani Montolalu,AUT0