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Only Tamilnadu Players can participate in this Tournament

Under 17 GIRLS 👑SMART CHESS ACADEMY 👑 9th TN State Level Chess Tmt Hall No : 19 First Floor

Last update 22.10.2024 05:52:41, Creator/Last Upload: Manigandan R

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Starting rank

1Yaazhini, J33471525IND1481Karur
2Udhayahasini, P48736961IND1410Karur Lords Rock C A
3Amsavalli, S33317240IND0Pudukkottai Govt
4Deepika, R33488215IND0Karur
5Dharani, L V88148068IND0Madurai
6Dhivya, Prabha B429015090IND0Karur Govt Smart C A
7Hemala, E48775363IND0Karur Govt Rock C A
8Ilakkiya, KIND0Erode Govt
9Kanigashri, M H25171704IND0Thoothukudi
10Kavi Iniya, PIND0Salem Challengers C A
11Poornashree, M88114210IND0Erode Srimozhi C A
12Prakalyaa, SIND0Erode Sri Venkateshwara
13Rithika, Sri N K33464995IND0Madurai
14Shadhana, SIND0Karur
15Sindhu, GIND0Karur We the Leaders
16Sowmiya, N88146413IND0Erode Sai Kids C A
17Srinithaa, A SIND0Namakkal
18Thanishka, S25967606IND0Namakkal
19Theksanaa, S88114325IND0Namakkal K A Club
20Varshini, SIND0Trichy
21Yazhinie, P SIND0Karur Smart C A
22Yuvasri, MIND0Madurai