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National Chess Championship Finals 2024 - Open

Posledná aktualizácia 24.11.2024 00:46:00, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 8)

Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu

6FMJohnson, Joshua7700768TTO2257
5FMCabralis, Quinn7700440TTO2187
3FMCupid, Kevin7700512TTO2181
1FMJoseph, Marcus7700393TTO2126
2FMHarper, Ryan7700156TTO2110
8James, Keevin7701373TTO1977
9Medina, Joshua7706030TTO1928
4Lee, Hayden7700350TTO1869
7Khafra, Enen-Sa-Tefa Ab7704844TTO1831
11Ramadhar, Kishore7700091TTO1828
10Siewdass, Tristan7709340TTO1819
12Samuel Bisnath, Kael7706880TTO1778