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TORNEO BLITZ CUENCA CLUB DE AJEDREZ CAFE AUSTRIA Posledná aktualizácia 20.10.2024 01:58:57, Creator/Last Upload: CUENCA CHESS CLUB
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | Quinde Corte, Christian Josue | 3636712 | ECU | 1843 |
2 | | Vargas Sotelo, Victor | 3632024 | ECU | 1749 |
3 | | Kittilsen, Guy | 2068990 | USA | 1735 |
4 | | Matute Bravo, Amelia Nathali | 3646971 | ECU | 1658 |
5 | | Nivicela Marchan, Christian Esteb | 3651444 | ECU | 1602 |
6 | | Ortega Gonzaga, Fausto Abrahan | 3653471 | ECU | 1569 |
7 | | Barahona Bustamante, Roman Oswald | 3646866 | ECU | 1558 |
8 | | Camposano Reyes, John Paul | 3651304 | ECU | 1550 |
9 | | Tola Lazo, David Sebastian | 3639037 | ECU | 1509 |
10 | | Rouillon Vintimilla, Juan Cristob | 3647072 | ECU | 1462 |
11 | | Contreras Caceres, Jesus | | ECU | 0 |
12 | | Donoso Correa, Esteban | | ECU | 0 |
13 | | Obando Guayllas, Domenica | | ECU | 0 |