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Copa Internacional Beggia Turismo Abierto IRT Rapido (Valido al elo fide)

协会者IM Guillemo Soppe - Juan Carlos Carranza
协会阿根廷 ( ARG )
竞赛主管Gustavo Beggiato
裁判长AN Soto, Adolfo Dario 144835
Deputy ArbiterAR Bute Peralta, Marcos Nicolas 20018517
裁判AR Montenegro Raul; Cabiche Matias
Bedenkzeit (Rapid)20 minutes for game with 5 seconds increment from move 1
地点Biblioteca Manuel Belgrano Facultad Ciencias Economicas - Bv de la Reforma.
Number of rounds6
Tournament type瑞士制编排系统
日期2024/11/23 到 2024/11/24
配对软件Swiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager 比赛文件

最后更新23.10.2024 19:05:32, 创建者/最新上传: Asociacion Cordobesa de Ajedrez ACDA

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