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10. Tallinna MK kiirturniiride sari SÜGIS`24 STOKKERi auhindadele (IV etapp) C

Posledná aktualizácia 20.10.2024 13:28:23, Creator/Last Upload: Tallinn Chess Club;

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Štartová listina

1Priivits, Dario4522249EST1143MK Areng
2Harbuziuk, MatviiUKR1042MK Areng
3Lillend, Otto4524233EST1015Tallinna MK
4Aliyev, GasimEST0MK Chess Continent
5Aliyev, Ismail4524217EST0MK Chess Continent
6Gilden, Kaspar4520661EST0MK Areng
7Kaidja, Matteas4525337EST0MK Areng
8Kochetov, VadymUKR0MK Areng
9Korabelštšikov, LevEST0MA Vabaettur
10Loginov, MarkEST0
11Melnychuk, Volodymyr4525833EST0MK Areng
12Metsavas, Alexander4528298EST0Tallinn Chess Academy
13Mihhalkov, GeorgyEST0MK Chess Continent
14Mihhalkova, Vera4524241EST0MK Chess Continent
15Minayev, Fedor4522664EST0- - -
16Petrikov, Sergei4528670EST0- - -
17Philippov, Roman4523768EST0Vabaettur
18Sinitsyna, JuliaFIN0- - -
19Szkudlarek, Aartee Monika SofiaEST0MK Chess Continent
20Sulla, Martin4526490EST0Vabaettur
21Timoshin, Pavel4523938EST0MK Areng
22Tuul, Ronan ThorEST0