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Mocart kup

Last update 19.10.2024 16:43:38, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

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Starting rank

1Rogan, PetarSRB1836
2Simovic, ZoranSRB1809
3Nikolic, MilosSRB1698
4Ljubisavljevic, MihajloSRB1532
5Obradovic, AndrejSRB1451
6Labudovic, BogdanSRB0
7Marincevic, BogdanSRB0
8Mihailovic, JovanSRB0
9Milic, JovanSRB0
10Miric, JovanSRB0
11Popovic, OgnjenSRB0
12Trivunovic, VukasinSRB0