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Ambition 14th Fide Blitz Rating Chess Tournament

Seinast dagført19.10.2024 15:52:47, Creator/Last Upload: Bangladesh Chess Federation

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1CMMd.Abu, Hanif10200835BAN2071
2Asaduzzaman, Ahad10224181BAN1968
3Chowdhury, Karol10203516BAN1963
4Mohammed, Salim10204237BAN1921
5Syed, Sazzad Hossain10207163BAN1880
6Ayas, Abdulla Khajir Bin10294899BAN1863
7Md Rabiul, Hossain10227776BAN1863
8Jane, Alam10293426BAN1837
9Md. Ruhul, Amin10212159BAN1832
10Md. Mijanul, Islam10213678BAN1814
11Debu Chandra, Dey10227733BAN1738
13Faruk, Mallik10202900BAN1726
14Md. Habibul, Bashar Zihad10233598BAN1710
15Shobontic, Saha10288325BAN1516
16Mahir, Islam10292349BAN0
17Nizamul Islam Sifat,BAN0
18Rahat Islam,BAN0