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3ª Etapa - III Circuito Expert Chess 2024

Last update 30.10.2024 21:55:53, Creator/Last Upload: ACADEMIA DE XADREZ EXPERT (AXE)

Starting rank list of players

4NMFabiano BezerraBRA1972
9Vitor Hugo Santos TeireixaBRA1926RJ
12Luciana De Maria Rocha Da Silva44701250BRA1803AM
3Aurimar LealBRA1800
1Etemberg MonteiroBRA1774
10Allan LealBRA1745
5Bernardo AugustoBRA0
7Wesley DouglasBRA0
2Bonifácio LimaBRA0
6Raissa MarianoBRA0
8Marcílio OliveiraBRA0
11Moises RamosBRA0