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Whiteville Primary Closed 2024

Last update 19.10.2024 16:01:02, Creator/Last Upload: Xhanti Mafongosi

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Starting rank

1Sikendle, LiveniRSA1269
2Ketsekile, IndiphileRSA1266
3Mandlana, AkuyeRSA1266
4Dladla, SomelezeRSA1232
5Bosi, SithembisoRSA1200
6Mdonga, LimiseRSA1199
7Ngculu, AluveRSA1196
8Mdake, ZingceRSA0
9Ntoshe, KungentandoRSA0
10Puti, LikhonaRSA0
11Qaba, KhazimlaRSA0
12Sigungqa, SipheleleRSA0