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9th Saturday Evening Blitz at Red Knight Chess Cafe

Darrera actualització19.10.2024 16:23:25, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Riste Menkinoski

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Rànquing inicial

1Yulo, Adrian OthnielPHI2125
2Cuizon, LoreshylPHI2010
3Joly, BastienFRA1860
4Tuorila, KaiTHA1841
5Pienpoldeesakul, BaimonTHA1711
6Mishra, ArushTHA1702
7Soikinas, JevgenijusLTU1702
8Yarkin, VeniaminRUS1655
9Yarkin, SavelyRUS1476
10Khamkuer, ThanthornTHA1427
11Dumoulin, PepeTHA0
12Polesko, EvgenyTHA0
13Stojkovic, NikolaSRB0
14Yarkin, IvanRUS0