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KAVALA ROUND ROBIN CHALLENGERS 2024 20/10/2024-17/11/2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony22.10.2024 14:17:05, Creator/Last Upload: chesskavala

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

1Tzoumas, Stamatios Iason42174708GRE1514
2Maragkozidis, Anastasios Ioannis42105129GRE1497
3Maragkozidis, Efstathios42105080GRE1494
4Dimitriadis, Charalampos25885367GRE1488
5Antonaki, Athina42180228GRE1484
6Politis, Anestis42160189GRE1474
7Tsampazis, Dimitrios Dorotheos42174422GRE1469
8Dourmous, Akai42130506GRE1459
9Georgiadis, Georgios Eleftherios42108560GRE1423
10Bakirtzis, Angelos25885480GRE1422