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The Girl Learner Chess Tournament

Last update 19.10.2024 13:51:58, Creator/Last Upload: Lonwabo Fihla

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Starting rank

1Mate, NkatekoGWR1214
2Sidino, Kamogelo CandyGWR1189
3Ndaba, KefentseGWR1186
4Sello, TlotlisoGWR1171
5Mapfumo, TashlyGWR1159
6Ramalepa, MatshidisoGWR1145
7Legodi, ReneilweGWR1142
8Ncube, ThembelihleGWR1135
9Mngomezulu, NkatekoRSA0
10Ndaba, TherisoRSA0
11Ngoloni, SinoyoloRSA0
12Nqandela, AmahleRSA0
13Resha, YangaRSA0
14Tsetse, SthembisoRSA0