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2024 National Qualifiers A

Seinast dagført29.10.2024 16:42:23, Creator/Last Upload: Singapore Chess Federation

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1Sung, Tze Shyan Evin5832020SGP1842
2Vijay, Rege5833655SGP1821
3Liew, Tze Hsien5827248SGP1794
4Siddharth, Sai5823404SGP1793
5Chan, Jing Fong Joash5833531SGP1773
6Lee, Tsuen Jin Aiesec5829810SGP1764
7AFMKoh, Zhe Quan Benedict5823544SGP1742
8Yu, Kaiyi5828686SGP1736
9Liew, Tze Chi5827230SGP1733
10AIMLim, Huay Leon Warren5802555SGP1701
11Chan, Daniel Yun Jie5838185SGP1654
12Parthasarathi, Rishikesh5828511SGP1647
13Tobin, Paul Nicholas5829011SGP1643
14Rishikesh, Siddharth5828988SGP1628
15AFMTeo, Hong Kai Javier5835518SGP1602
16Aw, Kai Le Andrew5822912SGP1587
17Ng, Jaeden Etienne Ng5829356SGP1584
18Benedict, Silveries Mathias Samuel5825385SGP1563
19Wee, Yu Heng Lucas John5836352SGP1512
20Chong, Yong Qian5833612SGP1496