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Tammer-Shakin syysturnaus 19.-20.10.2024 C-ryhmä

Last update 21.10.2024 23:39:13, Creator/Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 20)

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Starting rank

1Piho, Juha509310FIN1812AkaaS
2Pelander, Pauliina516449FIN1800TuTS
3Backman, Aaron519898FIN1780TuTS
4Viljanen, Jouko504041FIN1767SeinSK
5Vashchenko, Diana34134603FIN1766TammerSh
6Koivumäki, Marko506311FIN1760LoimSK
7Hamina, Martti516066FIN1755LahS
8Ihalainen, Juho523100FIN1745TammerSh
9Takala, Jaakko512842FIN1724Pässi
10Sjöskog, Tommy504700FIN1693JakSK
11Pajarre, Matias514667FIN1667TammerSh
12Suvanto, Oula519782FIN1656KSK