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2024 FB Schools Open 7.0 Under 15

Senast uppdaterad19.10.2024 17:51:49, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

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1Van Rooyen, AndreRSA1493
2Sinigisi, Emihle MaleboRSA1456
3Alam, TahsenRSA1449
4Martin, JoshuaRSA1261
5Van Nel, OagengRSA1260
6Jansen, MikelRSA1213
7Peters, LuchandréRSA1194
8Cader, GhamzaRSA1185
9Mogale, PhitlheleloRSA1180
10Mqina, OndelaRSA1176
11January, OfentseRSA1168
12Khuzwayo, TebogoRSA1166
13Slaters, ZadianRSA1133
14Makeleni, LelomsoRSA0
15Ndamba, TrishaRSA0
16Rabie, RileyRSA0