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October 19 Rapid

Posledná aktualizácia 19.10.2024 08:33:04, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs

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Štartová listina

1Garrison, Kyle31001319GUM1840
2ACMCombs, Daniel31000703GUM1800
3Szekely, Zoltan31000428GUM1749
4Dela Paz, Romeo31000932GUM1714
5Rombaua, Bellan31004849GUM1661
6Padrique, Sarah Jennica31003907GUM1581
7Tran, Xuan Chi31002900GUM1559
8Mangsat, Francis31004911GUM1535
9Mendoza, Michael Angel31001696GUM1468
10Lopatyuk, Leo31003753GUM1459
11Dewan, Aryan31003451GUM1458
12Tiurin, Yaroslav31001769GUM1455
13Tran, Tuan Vu31002919GUM1409
14Combs, Mylen Rodriguez31001157GUM1408
15Combs, Esther31001599GUM0
16Rebadulla, Paolo Lintag31004741GUM0
17Tantamco, Michael31005071GUM0
18Viray, Clarito31005080GUM0