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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
LIGA EN PASSANT 2024 PRIMARIA MENOR اخر تحديث19.10.2024 21:33:50, منشئ/آخر رفع: Peón al Paso
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم | نادي/مدينة |
1 | | | Lopez, Sanchez Diego Alonso | 29630835 | MEX | 1859 | Nuevo Leon |
2 | | | Salazar, Amaro Pedro Miguel | 29621585 | MEX | 1753 | Nuevo Leon |
3 | | | Quintanilla, Corona Carlos | | MEX | 1581 | Nuevo Leon |
4 | | | Echavarria, Torres Nicolas | | MEX | 1546 | Nuevo Leon |
5 | | | Lazarin, Silva Leonardo | | MEX | 1513 | Nuevo Leon |
6 | | | Sosa, Garcia Miguel | | MEX | 1490 | Nuevo Leon |
7 | | | Ramos, Pecero Jose Humberto | 29644992 | MEX | 1416 | Nuevo Leon |
8 | | | Alan, Maximiliano Montemayor | | MEX | 0 | Liceo De Monterrey Blueridge |
9 | | | Guhee, Samuel Jung Choi | | MEX | 0 | Colegio Multicultural De Monterrey |
10 | | | Hugo, Escamilla Alvarez | | MEX | 0 | Brighton |
11 | | | Jorge, Aguilar Gómez Del Castillo | | MEX | 0 | Liceo De Monterrey Blueridge |
12 | | | Jorge, Armando Durán González | | MEX | 0 | Instituto San Jerónimo |
13 | | | José, De Hoyos Lopez | | MEX | 0 | Liceo Blueridge |
14 | | | Luis, Alberto Esquivel Velázquez | | MEX | 0 | Colegio Mexicano |
15 | | | Marcelo, De Hoyos Zambrano | | MEX | 0 | Liceo De Mty Blueridge |
16 | | | Samuel, Agustin Rodriguez Ortiz | | MEX | 0 | Emiliano Zapata |