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Torneo Blitz Halloween Chess - Ajedrez Criollo

Darrera actualització29.10.2024 17:33:38, Creador/Darrera càrrega: pepecarrillo

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Rànquing inicial

1IMBaules Rodriguez, Jorge Luis6600247PAN2360
2FMLeon Archibaldo, Orlando Andres6600913PAN2234
3CMCantilo-Paz, Agustin6600794PAN204850+
4Miranda Samudio, Adrian Jafeth6611044PAN2005U18
5Schnell, Sebastian Narayana6605290PAN1980U18
6Ibanez Moreno, Sergio22205241ESP1912
7Cueto Fernandez, Manuel Alejandro3535916CUB1872U14
8Vander Hans, Carlos6601049PAN184850+
9Jimenez Molina, Pedro6602410PAN1844
10Morales Gonzalez, Anel Humberto6600930PAN1830
11Cortes Franco, Adrian Ignacio6612342PAN1814U14
12Haskins Atehortua, Marco Antonio6600042PAN181150+
13Sanjur Ruiz, Crescencio De Los Reyes6600417PAN179650+
14Thompson Ceballos, James6601448PAN1794
15Brown Camano, Andres Camilo6621945PAN1786U18
16Vasquez Jaen, Lourdes Lorena6605559PAN1750w
17Alvarado Miranda, Octavio6600727PAN1719
18Gestoso Ruiz, Juan6627498PAN1708
19Trigas Martinez, Nicolas6608426PAN1686U14
20Lopez Rodriguez, Jeremy Daniel6625487PAN1636
21Cebrian Castillo, Justo Gabriel6624286PAN1609U10
22Garcia Marroquin, Lily Adriana6614094PAN1524wU14
23Lombana Franceschi, Diego Enrique6614019PAN1516
24Barcia Dominguez, Andrea Alejandra6612580PAN1479wU18
25Cebrian Kant, Justo Jose6617379PAN1460
26Cuevas Morgan, Jorge Enrique6626599PAN1458U10
27Garcia Marroquin, Aldo Mateo6617069PAN1446U10
28Rodrigues Onofre, Caterina6626033PAN1429wU10
29Amelunge Ruiz, Oscar Marcos6608248PAN1420
30Alegre Revoredo, Ignacio6632602PAN0U10
31Amelunge, Alan Alfredo6614264PAN0U10
32Garcia Rojas, Aldo Augusto6614086PAN0
33Garrido, Joed6632890PAN0U10
34Garrido, Joel6632882PAN0U14
35Melgarejo, Lucas6631509PAN0U14
36Melgarejo, Tomas6631533PAN0U14
37Pedreros Pitty, Isabella Marie6631487PAN0wU10
38Penna Palacios, Mateo Fernado6626882PAN0U14
39Perez, Gabriel6631010PAN0U14
40Pinto Gomez, Angie Elloise6632777PAN0wU18
41Wong Xue, Sebastian6631495PAN0U10