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Torneo Blitz Halloween Chess - Ajedrez Criollo

Last update 23.10.2024 15:43:42, Creator/Last Upload: pepecarrillo

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Starting rank

1IMBaules Rodriguez, Jorge Luis6600247PAN2360
2FMLeon Archibaldo, Orlando Andres6600913PAN2234
3Miranda Samudio, Adrian Jafeth6611044PAN2005
4Schnell, Sebastian Narayana6605290PAN1980
5Cueto Fernandez, Manuel Alejandro3535916CUB1872
6Cortes Franco, Adrian Ignacio6612342PAN1814
7Haskins Atehortua, Marco Antonio6600042PAN1811
8Thompson Ceballos, James6601448PAN1794
9Vasquez Jaen, Lourdes Lorena6605559PAN1750
10Gestoso Ruiz, Juan6627498PAN1708
11Trigas Martinez, Nicolas6608426PAN1686
12Lombana Franceschi, Diego Enrique6614019PAN1516
13Barcia Dominguez, Andrea Alejandra6612580PAN1479
14Cuevas Morgan, Jorge Enrique6626599PAN1458