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Sunday Rated Blitz Tournament - October 2024Վերջին արդիացում27.10.2024 19:33:35, Creator/Last Upload: StLuciaChess
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Lindo, Terence | 7400942 | LCA | 1775 |
2 | | Cilpa, D'yorni | 23000848 | LCA | 1538 |
3 | | Leonce, Anu | 23000775 | LCA | 1229 |
4 | | Joseph, Jamari | 23000490 | LCA | 1162 |
5 | | Bartholomew, Meghan | 23001143 | LCA | 1125 |
6 | | Leonce, Khai-Addae | 23000791 | LCA | 1100 |
7 | | Bartholomew, Morgan | 23001151 | LCA | 875 |
8 | | Leonce, Selehi Smekhkare Heru | 23001070 | LCA | 784 |
9 | | St. Juste, Kishan | 23001178 | LCA | 500 |
10 | | Leonce, Sahu | 23001160 | LCA | 400 |
11 | | Emmanuel, Eli | 23001011 | LCA | 201 |