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Aksioma Kecamatan Patikraja Kategori : Putra

Last update 19.10.2024 06:19:06, Creator/Last Upload: Sugiyo Rawalo (Trial)

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Starting rank

1Ahmad Zaqi0MIMA Kedungrandu
2Albi Virendra WIjaya0MADU LOR
3Anjar Febrian0MIMA Notog
4Haikal Jamil Dwi S0MIMA Sidaboa
5Jabbir Abbas0MIMA Patikraja
6Kafie Dzakya Rizki0MIM Sidaboa
7M. Hibban Zulfadli0MIM Patikraja
8Muhammad Atha Al Fattah0MIMA Kedungwringin
9Raffa Rasendriya Azzamie0MIM Kedungwuluh Lor
10Raif Bani Al Fatih0MIMANUSA