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Torneio Interno SemiRapidas - Inicio Época 2024_25- MONTIJO - APM

Seinast dagført19.10.2024 18:38:04, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 37)

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1ARRANJA, Armando Jorge Da Silva Fernand1904965POR1878Ateneu De Montijo
2FERRÃO, Nuno Alexandre Camacho Cabral1943219POR1828Ateneu De Montijo
3SILVA, António Manuel De Oliveira1927191POR1804Ateneu De Montijo
4LOPES, António Pedro Moreira1940872POR1702Ateneu De Montijo
5MIRA, Vitor Carlos1906461POR1651Ateneu De Montijo
6GARCIA, João Filipe Gonçalves1985809POR1650Ateneu De Montijo
7CREULEAN, Maxim1964887POR1557Ateneu De Montijo
8CHARRUA, Lara De Oliveira1978640POR1408Ateneu De Montijo
9DURÃES, Mariana Sofia Marques1975692POR0Ateneu De Montijo
10LUSSO, Gilles AlexandrePOR0Ateneu De Montijo
12SILVA, Ady Fernandes Burity DaPOR0Ateneu De Montijo