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VI Torneo de Ajedrez del Caribe 2024 - FINAL Festival U10

Last update 20.10.2024 18:11:31, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Alex, Manuel Torres EspinozaCOL9
2Álvaro, Delgado PeñaCOL9
3Andres, Felipe Villadiego VillaCOL9
4Andrés, Javier Vivanco CampañaCOL9
5Carlos, Andres Alian HoyosCOL9
6Esteban, Higuera CamargoCOL9
7Gabriel, Ignacio Zerpa RuizCOL9
8Josué, Elias Rodelo OrozcoCOL9
9Juan, Jose Rave RiosCOL9
10Leonel, Alejandro Guaman ValenciaCOL9
11Maria, Victoria Zambrano MolinaCOL9
12Ronald, Esteban Sierra RomeroCOL9
13Said, Gabriel Camacho CasalinasCOL9
14Samuel, David Gutiérrez TorresCOL9
15Samuel, Vargas CuraCOL9
16Thiago, Martinez TapiaCOL9
17Miguel, Lopera PintoCOL0