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XI. Magyar Sakkvilág Kupa 2024 Egyéni Villám

Last update 19.10.2024 10:25:49, Creator/Last Upload: Laszlo Imre

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Starting rank

1Rozsa, Peter705560HUN2051
2Nemeth, Zsolt736805HUN2012
3Gonczol, Gabor733156HUN1939
4Brayer, Janos747661HUN1937
5Farkas, Ferenc736309HUN1882
6Nemeth, Tamas Zsolt797898HUN1876
7Bodor, Gergely756024HUN1853
8Malomsoki, Laszlo717185HUN1812
9Steiner, Laszlo739740HUN1804
10Csiszar, Albert721557HUN1758
11Eros, Gyorgy728535HUN1756
12Feher, Lajos743135HUN1731
13Horvath, Armin17014891HUN1723
14Torok, Attila760544HUN1673
15Balint, Laszlo766593HUN1669
16Balogh, Zoltan766607HUN1667
17Bodor, Andras765074HUN1629
18Kozsan, Balint17027357HUN1517
19Imre, CsanádHUN0
20Kocsis, Gergo17027365HUN0
21Nagy, Andras Jr.17025494HUN0
22Nagy, TiciánHUN0